All sculptures seen above are made of the remains of their predecessor. Because each sculpture had to be destroyed in order to create the next one only the last shape still physically exists.
Left: camera movement, vertical time, temporal thickness, feedback scaling.
Right: creation/destruction, observer, dimensions, time, repetition.
1. The process starts by dropping and breaking a cylinder shaped ceramic cup. (see notes above)
2. Capturing the movement and layering the frames.
3. Dissolving the fragments in water, recuperating everything back to malleable clay.
4. Flattening and creating thin smooth layers.
5. Projecting the frames of the movement on the new clay layers.
Cutting out the 2 dimensional fragments and tracing the intersections in every frame.
6. Drying the newly cut fragments.
7. Positioning the first frame/layer.
8. Gluing the layers together according to the intersection marks.
9. Rotating the disc and panning the camera step by step for each layer.
10. Dropping the shape/sculpture while recording the movement.
Repeating these steps until reaching the 12th dimension.
And passing the 11th and highest dimension according to the M-theory.